Sunday, October 11, 2009

Amazing futsal goal

In this world futsal has become a sport that many in liked by many people. I do not know how many games are going and how many million goal created.

Each goal must be to give joy and meaning to individual player who scored those goals. But there are many goals that make people amazed and stunned at the sight of these goals.

Here are some wonderful goal created in futsal game that makes you wonder ..

do you like that???


  1. teringat gol ane di masa muda dulu.......ya persis kayak gitu..............ha ha ha ha ha ha ha h ah
    tapi pas main PS

  2. aq sich juga pernah nek di PS..tapi pas gak main PS juga pernah....heheheheheheh
    tau gak dimana????ya pasti di mimpilah...

  3. salam sahabat
    good posting,i dont know more about its but this come to support U...ok good luck for U...

  4. I do playing futsal once a month in my town (Denpasar). But God... please... it's renting so expensive... at least 140 thousand rupiahs per hour just for 10 players. Fiuhhh... however, it's just for fun and we did get fun there and of course we wanna health too ;)

  5. bener amazing bro...

    salam kenal, nice posting , nice blog
